Brand owners see IML labeling as a means of better positioning their brands with excellent designs and superior packaging. To satisfy...
A specialist iml printer then perfects the combination of iml materials and converting equipment to produce high quality printing, with accurate ink matching, proofing and fine pictorial reproduction. When the iml printer and designer work together from concept to final printing the results are unparalleled.

Cost efficiency in IML label supply results from low waste and "right first time" production. Dedicated IML printers have a more predictable result on each order, lower scrap rates and are able to buy materials in larger volumes for a cost effective outcome.

Additional Performance
In addition to competitive pricing the certainty of label performance enables moulders to have an efficient operation with minimal waste and fast cycle times. Logans have proven that the favourable value-to-weight ratio of IML labels coming from a low-cost area and quality label performance enables successful exporting of IML labels around the Pacific / Asian region.